Football Match Cake
Last weekend celebration. Football Match Cake for celebrating Fahim @ his cousin Naufal for their birthday..It’s ala-ala black forest cake...Seronok tengok budak2 happy makan kek.....Abah kata dia suka tengok padang rumput next assignment celebrate my mom’s birthday end of this month.....nak buat kek ape yer????
Cuppiesholic is back!

Agak lama menyepi........Cuppiesholic is back for today!!! Kepada peminat setia Cuppiesholic, yg tak jemu2 buka blog tgk latest update..hope today uols tak frust..15pcs Pandan choco & 15pcs mocha cuppies ordered by Kak Shinar....

It’s chocolate cake...3 layered with special cream...This is 2nd order from Kak Rosni for her daughter. Last Monday with green & white, purple theme..actually she requested combination of pink,purple & white...but...terderhaka ( ayat Mat Gebu ) sket..I decided not to include white in my decoration...looks like too teeming laaa....tak cantik kalau terlalu byk kaler.....he he he he...nasib baik approved with note “Cantiknye x sabar nak ambil …….” Happy Birthday Nur Syazwana from Cuppiesholic!
RV for Picnic
Utk si bucuk Pekza....12pcs RV with cream cheese..nak bwk gi picnic katanya..kelassssss ko picnic pon bwk kapkek RV...Tak main la bwk goreng pisang..cekodok...he he he..Tq for supporting me all the while
Spiderman-Fahim's Birthday

Last nite project...chocolate cake with Spiderman theme.... Decoration with jelly..his favourite..special request from anak bujang I...He turns 6 today, 14 July 2011...Mmmmm...Genap 6 tahun aku jadi mama....Anugerah terindah...From baking till I finish with decoration, setia menunggu...tak sabar katanya nak tengok kek abg siap....As I remember..this year Spiderman Cake, last year –Power Rangers, last 2 years –Ultraman...So next year??? Super hero ape lagi la wahai anakku....But, when looking at his shiny eyes, his expression..he is so happy....teruja nak celebrate with his friends today... I feel so happy too...layannnnnnn!!!!
Green+White Cuppies

30pcs – Choc Oreo cuppies. Requested dark green, light green & white theme cuppies. As a token from Nur Syazwana to her friends during her Birthday. As usual....Simple but adorable..hehehehhe..Tq Kak Rosni....
Basic Cupcakes Class

Last Saturday..everybody was busy with BERSIH...but I was busy with my baking class with Kak Ju.....Kak Ju dengan penuh semangat, eventhough tersangkut dalam jam, on the way to my house....sampai jugak akhirnya..Thank You to Abg Din sebab dapat memenuhi hasrat isteri tercinta...We started at 10.00am and end at 2.00pm...Kak Ju’s work –Close Up
Chocolate Indulgence

My chocolate Indulgence...mmm..tak sangka..I’m going so far....started with my cuppies for I can bake Chocolate Indulgence...Now I feel, what the other bakers feel....enjoyment of every moments of baking..enhancement, enrichment, mission & passion.....Thank You Surida, for this opportunity to expand my baking skills & knowledge...
Princess Darwisyah Turns 3..

Oreo Crunch cake..repeat order from Kak Wi...Darwisyah turns 3..Barbie theme...Simple but adorable..hehehehhe
My Little Garden

6pcs Choc Oreo cuppies for Hana Damia Qistina & Hana Zaara Camila...2 bunga penyeri taman si ibu....he he he..Becoz of cuppies also full of flowers..ala2 little garden...with 2 bees tengah cari port nak hisap madu...And at the garden tercampak sebiji strawberry yg sesat...Tq Kinah!
Transformers 2011

All out for this challenging task tonite...75pcs vanilla/orange/chocolate cuppies with Transformer theme...memang dark moon aku mlm sleepy....Thanks for my dear son Hafiy coz teman mama mlm tadi till 1 pagi.....Actually, I’m not familiar with all the cartoon character..and I keep asking my son Fahim..Abg..kalau yg ni apa namanye...?character ini jahat ke baik...he he he....and he said, mama..semua EI tu gambar Optimus Prime..yg ini yg baik....dalam banyak gambar tu ade jugak aku selit Decepticons..Thanks Nadiah for giving me 2nd time to make your son’s happy on his Birthday (aku harap dia happy la.....) Previously his brother, with BEN 10 theme.Hope all Nuqman Faris’s frens will enjoy eating the cupcakes....Happy Birthday from Cuppiesholic!
Blueberry Cheese Cake again

Order from Kak Sina. Actually this is a last week order yg I terpaksa cancel...sorry akak...saya dah buat gantinya....Kasi extra strawberry montel 2 biji...hehehehe...My 2nd try...yeayyyyy!!!!! Alhamdulillah ..Perfect....sungguh gebu mcm Mat Gebu...Usaha tangga kejayaan....
Korban Selasa...

Cheese cake yg aku korbankan di pagi selasa...makan2 dengan ofismate....mmm...yumm..yum...
Princess Mariesya Dania Mazira

25pcs marble +choco. With pinkish little princess theme welcoming Princess Mariesya who turns 3 years old today! Happy Birthday dear!!!! Actually I have 2 more orders today, but last minute cancelled due to my health condition...tak larat...memandangkan this order dah dibuat sebulan yg, kenakan kuatkan semangat...If not, tentu my customer frust..tak syok laaaaa......And saje tanya my fren Kinah, is the owner happy with my cuppies.. She replied thru sms “ Dia kata cantik & happy sangat “... So, sy sangat gembira...tak payah makan ubat lagi lah....and pastinya....lepas ni leh sambung baking lagi...baking..baking......
P/s Kinah..nnti aku kasik makan kek perisa baru yerrrrrr..hehehheheh